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Agrawal, Reena (2013) Identifications and Exploitation of a Business Opportunity: Case of Women Entrepreneurship in India. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (1-2). pp. 62-73. ISSN 1821-1283
Aleksić, Vesna (2013) Andrej Mitrović o važnosti izučavanja ekonomske istorije. Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju, 20 (2). pp. 69-76. ISSN 0354-5318
Aleksić, Vesna (2013) Prometna banka A. D. u modernizacijskim procesima u Srbiji u prvoj polovini XX veka. Bankarstvo, 42 (1). pp. 12-33. ISSN 1451-4354
Aleksić, Vesna (2013) Zakonodavni okviri rada srpskih akcionarskih banaka druge polovine XIX i prve polovine XX veka. Bankarstvo, 42 (6). pp. 76-95. ISSN 1451-4354
Alihodžić, Almir (2013) Possibility of Applying Regional Diversification in Capital Markets of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Serbia. Economic analysis, 46 (3-4). pp. 52-71. ISSN 1821-2573
Andrejević, Aleksandar and Čabrilo, Slađana and Rakić, Slobodan and Mitić, Petar (2013) Mobilnost studenata i nastavnog kadra na primeru međunarodnog programa master akademskih studija "Zelena ekonomija". In: XIX skup Trendovi razvoja [sa temom] "Univerzitet na tržištu", Trend 2013. Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad, pp. 124-128. ISBN 978-86-7892-485-9
Arandarenko, Mihail and Avlijaš, Sonja and Ranđelović, Saša and Vladisavljević, Marko and Žarković Rakić, Jelena (2013) Simulating policy reform : distributional and poverty outcomes of the new social welfare law in Serbia. In: Poverty and Exclusion in the Western Balkans : new directions in measurement and policy. Springer, New York, pp. 261-281. ISBN 978-1-4614-4944-7
Avlijaš, Sonja and Ivanović, Nevena and Vladisavljević, Marko and Vujić, Sunčica (2013) Gender Pay Gap in the Western Balkan Countries: evidence from Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. FREN - Foundation for the Advancement of Economics, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-916185-1-3
Avolio, Beatrice and García Dulanto, Sandra and Knutson, Ross and Augusto Maldonado, Luis and Peñaloza Rojas, José Carlos and Van Dyck Arbulú, Ricardo (2013) The Role of the Partner of an Entrepreneur. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 51-73. ISSN 1821-1283
Balaban, Mladenka and Marković, Miljka (2013) Mergers and acquisitions between bank and isurance as a consequence of the financial crises. In: Economic Sciences on the Crossroad: proceedings from the international conference. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade (Serbia), pp. 311-320. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Balaban, Mladenka and Župljanin, Slobodan and Andrejević, Irena (2013) Global Financial Crisis and Its Effects on European Financial System. Economic analysis, 46 (3-4). pp. 14-25. ISSN 1821-2573
Baranenko, Elena and Stevanović, Slavica (2013) Strategies for enhancing competitiveness of the economy as a way to ensure faster recovery from the crisis : the experience of the EU and Serbia. In: Post crisis recovery. Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, pp. 420-433. ISBN 978-86-7852-034-1
Batishcheva, Svetlana (2013) World Urbanization Prospects and the Problem of Its Infrastructural Provision. Economic analysis, 46 (1-2). pp. 72-81. ISSN 1821-2573
Bishop, Patricia and Deason, Chris (2013) A Phenomenological Exploration of the Mentoring Experiences of Women Business Owners in Central Florida. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 28-50. ISSN 1821-1283
Bodroža, Duško and Filimonović, Dragan (2013) Foreign direct investment in agriculture sector - case study of Republic of Serbia. In: Agriculture in Serbia and Portugal : recent developments and economic policy implications. Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, pp. 81-96. ISBN 978-972-934-07-7
Bodroža, Duško and Đukić, Mihajlo and Milivojević, Saša (2013) Impact of the economic crisis on the Serbian economy with the special reference to banking sector performances and external stability. In: Economic Sciences on the Crossroad / International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary ofthe IES. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 96-109. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2013) Strategic use of technology in the financial sector: e-banking and forms of electronic money. In: Entrepreneurship, finance and education in the digital age. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, pp. 239-254. ISBN 978-3-659-41255-4
Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Bodroža, Duško (2013) Development of Municipality Bonds Market in the Western Balkan Countries and Republic of Serbia. In: Post crisis recovery. Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, pp. 263-279. ISBN 978-86-7852-034-1
Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Ranković, Marko and Krsmanović, Svetlana (2013) Application of Batch and Automated (STP) Processes in Banking – Case Study Aseba BI. Economic analysis, 46 (3-4). pp. 72-86. ISSN 1821-2573
Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Zdravković, Aleksandar (2013) Zaštita privatnosti – anonimizacija podataka. In: Preduzetništvo kao šansa : zbornik radova / V naučni skup USPON. Poslovni fakultet, Valjevo, pp. 206-213. ISBN 978-86-7912-512-5
Branković, Aleksandra (2013) Private sector development in Serbia and comparison with the EU member states. In: Sciences on the Crossroad / International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary ofthe IES. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 566-575. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Branković, Aleksandra and Ognjenović, Kosovka (2013) Podsticanje proizvodnje električne energije korišćenjem obnovljivih izvora energije : uporedna analiza tarifnih sistema u Srbiji, Hrvatskoj i Makedoniji. Ecologica: nauka, privreda, iskustva, 20 (72). pp. 683-687. ISSN 0354-3285
Brnjas, Zvonko and Dedeić, Predrag (2013) Budgeting practice of local government units in Serbia. In: Post crisis recovery. Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, pp. 470-486. ISBN 978-86-7852-034-1
Brnjas, Zvonko and Drašković, Božo and Stošić, Ivan (2013) Stanje i dinamika zaduživanja jedinica lokalne samouprave u Srbiji (2006-2012.). Finansije: stručni i naučni časopis (1/6). pp. 9-22. ISSN 0015-2145
Brnjas, Zvonko and Stošić, Ivan and Dedeić, Predrag (2013) Budžetska praksa u jedinicama lokalne samouprave u Srbiji-stanje i perspektive. In: 3rd International Scientific Conference "Economy of Integration" ICEI 2013 „Using Knowledge to Move from Recession to Prosperity" Conference Proceedings. Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli, Tuzla, pp. 341-357. ISBN 2233-0445
Davidović, Milivoje and Mehmedović, Husein and Šijan, Goran and Marjanović, Darko (2013) Measurement of investment portfolio performances. TTEM. Technics technologies education management, 8 (2). pp. 745-753. ISSN 1840-1503
Dedeić, Predrag and Brnjas, Zvonko (2013) New technologies: one of the key strategic factors of the Serbian corporate governance practice harmonisation with eu requirements. In: Economic Sciences on the Crossroad: proceedings from the international conference. Institute of economic sciences, Belgrade, pp. 514-529. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Domazet, Ivana (2013) Brendiranje Srbije. Treći program (157). pp. 191-209. ISSN 0564-7010
Domazet, Ivana (2013) IMK koncept finansijskih organizacija. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 49 (4). pp. 47-55. ISSN 0350-137X
Domazet, Ivana (2013) Positioning of Serbian national brand. In: Sciences on the Crossroad / International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary ofthe IES. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 370-381. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Domazet, Ivana and Hanić, Hasan and Simeunović, Ivana (2013) Istraživanje tržišta – Faktor uspešnog strategijskog marketinga finansijskih organizacija. Marketing : časopis Jugoslavenskog udruženja za marketing JUMA, 44 (4). pp. 310-320. ISSN 0354-3471
Domazet, Ivana and Milivojević, Saša and Lazić, Milena (2013) Reforma penzijskog sistema sa aspekta intenzivnog starenja stanovništva Srbije. Poslovna ekonomija: časopis za poslovnu ekonomiju, preduzetništvo i finasije, 12 (1). pp. 141-156. ISSN 1820-6859
Domazet, Ivana and Simović, Vladimir (2013) New technologies in education. In: Entrepreneurship, finance and education in the digital age. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, pp. 324-341. ISBN 978-3-659-41255-4
Domazet, Ivana and Stošić, Ivan (2013) Strengthening the Competitiveness of Serbian Economy and the Corporate Market Restructuring. Economic analysis, 46 (3-4). pp. 108-124. ISSN 1821-2573
Dragaš, Radovan and Marjanović, Darko (2013) Analysis of Foreign Exchange Risk Assessment Work for Credit of all Corporate Entities. In: III International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness (EMC 2013), Zrenjanin, 21-22nd June 2013. Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, pp. 351-356. ISBN 978-86-7672-202-0
Drašković, Božo (2013) Upravljanje resursima zaštićenih područja u Srbiji: specijalni rezervati prirode Zasavica, Uvac, Stari Begej Carska bara. Institut ekonomskih nauka : Beogradska bankarska akademija, Fakultet za bankarstvo, finansije i osiguranje, Beograd, pp. 215-235. ISBN 978-86-89465-05-1
Drašković, Božo and Aleksić, Dimitrije (2013) Funds for environmental protection as specific investment funds. In: Post crisis recovery. Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, pp. 620-647. ISBN 978-86-7852-034-1
Drašković, Božo and Domazet, Ivana (2013) Instrumenti finansiranja ekoloških troškova i korišćenje prirodnih dobara i vrednosti u zaštićenim rezervatima prirode u Srbiji. Ecologica: nauka, privreda, iskustva, 20 (70). pp. 234-238. ISSN 0354-3285
Drašković, Božo and Domazet, Ivana and Minović, Jelena (2013) Problem vrednosti i vrednovanja prirodnih resursa, koristi i troškova. Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici : organ Ekonomskog fakultata u Subotici, 49 (30). pp. 11-26. ISSN 0350-2120
Drašković, Božo and Minović, Jelena (2013) Natural resources and their impact on the development of Serbia. In: Sciences on the Crossroad / International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary ofthe IES. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 503-513. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Drašković, Božo and Zubović, Jovan and Domazet, Ivana (2013) Management and Utilisation of Natural Resources in Special Nature Reserves: A Case Study. In: Sustainable technologies, policies, and constraints in the green economy. Information science reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 106-122. ISBN 978-1-4666-4098-6
Duran, Jelena and Golušin, Mirjana and Munitlak Ivanović, Olja and Jovanović, Larisa and Andrejević, Andrea (2013) Renewable Energy and Socio-economic Development in the European Union. Problemy Ekorozwoju / Problems of sustainable development, 8 (1). pp. 105-114. ISSN 1895-6912
Erić, Dejan and Stošić, Ivan (2013) Korporativno restrukturiranje. Institut ekonomskih nauka; Beogradska bankarska akademija, Beograd, pp. 59-77. ISBN 978-86-89465-07-5
Gnjatović, Dragana and Aleksić, Vesna and Jovancai, Ana (2013) Analysis of the behaviour of foreign-owned banks in Serbia during great depression and great recession. In: Economic Sciences on the Crossroad / International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary of the IES. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 275-283. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Golušin, Mirjana and Munitlak Ivanović, Olja and Filipović, Sanja and Andrejević, Andrea and Đuran, Jelena (2013) Environmental taxation in the European Union—analysis, challenges, and the future. Journal of renewable and sustainable energy, 5. 043129-2. ISSN 1941-7012
Golušin, Mirjana and Munitlak Ivanović, Olja and Redžepagić, Srđan (2013) Transition from traditional to sustainable energy development in the region of Western Balkans – Current level and requirements. Applied energy, 101. pp. 182-191. ISSN 0306-2619
Gržinić, Jasmina and Sučić Čevra, Mirela (2013) Competitiveness of Croatian Destinations Through Online Marketing Indicators. Economic analysis, 46 (3-4). pp. 125-140. ISSN 1821-2573
Hadžić, Fikret and Hanić, Aida (2013) Comparative analysis of business performance of SMEs in the food sector in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. In: Sciences on the Crossroad / International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary ofthe IES. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 440-453. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Hanić, Aida and Žunić, Emina and Dželihodžić, Adnan (2013) Scoring Models of Bank Credit Policy Management. Economic analysis, 46 (1-2). pp. 12-27. ISSN 1821-2573
Inmyxai, Sengaloun and Takahashi, Yoshi and Nham Phong, Tuan (2013) Gender as a Moderator for Firm Resources, Networks and Operation Factors on Firm Performance in Lao MSMES, Laos. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (1-2). pp. 90-114. ISSN 1821-1283
Innocent, Chirisa (2013) Characterising Women in the Informal Sector and Their Struggles to Eke a Living Lessons from Ruwa, Zimbabwe. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (1-2). pp. 10-35. ISSN 1821-1283
Ivandić, Vladimira and Kandžija, Vinko and Kandžija, Jelena (2013) Absorption Capacity of European Union Pre-accession Programs in Croatia. Economic analysis, 46 (1-2). pp. 53-71. ISSN 1821-2573
Jeločnik, Marko and Zubović, Jovan and Subić, Jonel (2013) State of tourism in Republic of Serbia during the period of economic slowdown. In: Устойчивое развитие туристского рынка : Международная практика и опыт России :Sustainable development of tourism market : International practice and Russian experience. АГРУС, Ставропољ, pp. 15-27. ISBN 978-5-9596-0912-2
Knežević, Marija (2013) Operational Risk – Challenges for Banking Industry. Economic analysis, 46 (1-2). pp. 40-52. ISSN 1821-2573
Lazarević Moravčević, Marija and Brnjas, Zvonko and Belopavlović, Grozdana (2013) Research & development and marketing – the business functions of strategic importance for SMEs in creating competitive advantages. Metalurgia internaţional, 18 (4). pp. 250-255. ISSN 1582-2214
Lazarević-Moravčević, Marija and Stevanović, Slavica and Belopavlović, Grozdana (2013) Uloga i značaj malih i srednjih preduzeća u tržišno razvijenim privredama u razvoju. In: International May conference on strategic management : Touch the new wave. University of Belgrade,Technical Faculty in Bor,Management Department, Bor, pp. 677-688. ISBN 978-86-6305-006-8
Lazić, Jelena and Cvijanović, Janko and Ljumović, Isidora (2013) Međunarodni standardi upravljanja kvalitetom u turizmu. HiT menadžment: manadžment u hotelijerstvu i turizmu, 1 (2). pp. 36-46. ISSN 2334-8267
Lazić, Jelena and Pavlović, Dejana and Cvijanović, Janko (2013) Innovation policy and activities in Serbia: what have we accomplished? In: Proceedings of the scientific conference / Policies to encourage R&D investment. The Universuty of Economics, Bratislava, pp. 18-30. ISBN 978-80-225-3654-7
Ljumović, Isidora and Pavlović, Dejana (2013) The Eurozone's shelf life: when it expires? In: Rethinking Europe after the Economic Crisis : lessons for the european core and periphery. Faculty of Economics, Niš, pp. 45-63. ISBN 978-86-6139-084-5
Ljumović, Isidora and Pavlović, Vladan and Milačić, Srećko (2013) Imaju li instrumenti mezanina perspektivu u Srbiji? Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, 49 (30). pp. 27-38. ISSN 0350-2120
Maldonado Francisco Javier, Benita (2013) Inflation, Market Structure and Globalization. A Sectoral Study for Mexico. Economic analysis, 46 (3-4). pp. 26-36. ISSN 1821-2573
Malović, Marko (2013) Polio or premeditated murder: the curious case of the Eurozone's Banking Union. In: Rethinking Europe after the Economic Crisis: lessons for the european core and periphery. Faculty of Economics, Niš, pp. 101-124. ISBN 978-86-6139-084-5
Malović, Marko (2013) Relationship between inflation targeting and global financial crisis: one night stand, break up or going exclusive? In: Sciences on the Crossroad / International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary ofthe IES. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 110-115. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Malović, Marko (2013) A mystery of the global surplus and its ramification. Industrija: časopis za ekonomiku industrije, 41 (2). pp. 27-47. ISSN 0350-0373
Malović, Marko and Marinković, Srđan (2013) Get over or game over: the rise and fall of the EMU. Ekonomske teme, 51 (1). pp. 59-83. ISSN 0353-8648
Mani, Pierre Eric (2013) Mechanisms to Explain FDI Impacts in Less Developed Countries Growth: The Case of the Industrial Development Level in Turkey, Egypt and Morocco. Economic analysis, 46 (3-4). pp. 87-107. ISSN 1821-2573
Marjanović, Darko (2013) Terminal for Remote Sensing in Tax Administration. In: 2nd International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies ICAIIT 2013, Zrenjanin, October 25, 2013. Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, pp. 486-489. ISBN 978-86-7672-211-2
Marjanović, Darko and Ahmetagić, Deniz (2013) Multinational Companies as Carriers of Foreign Direct Investment. In: Tudományos mozaik: Mindennapi tudomány:10. kötet. Tomori Pál Főiskola, Budapest, pp. 265-273. ISBN 978-963-89679-2-3
Marjanović, Darko and Dragaš, Radovan (2013) NPL u funkciji upravljanja potraživanjima banke. In: XVIII Internacionalni naučni skup SM 2013 - Strategijski menadžment i sistemi podrške odlučivanju u strategijskom menadžmentu. Ekonomski fakultet, Subotica, pp. 345-356. ISBN 978-7233-329-9
Marjanović, Darko and Dragaš, Radovan and Radojević, Predrag (2013) Competitiveness in the Serbian economy in the period of crisis. In: III International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness (EMC 2013), Zrenjanin, 21-22nd June 2013. Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, pp. 323-328. ISBN 978-86-7672-202-0
Marjanović, Darko and Radičić, Dragana (2013) Money Laundering as a Form of Illicit Profit-Making. Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, 49 (29). pp. 23-32. ISSN 0350-2120
Marjanović, Darko and Radojević, Predrag (2013) Foreign Direct Investments as an Engine of Economic Growth and Development of Serbia. In: Post crisis recovery. Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, pp. 349-364. ISBN 978-86-7852-034-1
Marković, Dušan and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Spasić, Žarko (2013) Various communication modalities in organizations with focus on virtual firms. In: Advances in international psychology: research approaches and personal dispositions, socialization processes and organizational behavior. VUZF University, Sofia, pp. 330-343. ISBN 978-3-86219-454-4
Matković, Aleksandar (2013) Az adósság szürkegazdasága. Ex Symposion : irodalom, művészet, filozófia, reflexió. pp. 24-31. ISSN 1215-7546
Matković, Aleksandar (2013) Crvena genealogija ili beg od tržišta? Stvar: časopis za teorijske prakse (5). pp. 173-180. ISSN 1821-4193
Matković, Aleksandar (2013) Genealogija dispozitiva: Fuko između Ničea i Hegela. In: Mišljenje, verovanje, delanje : filozofsko orjentisanje u političkoj situaciji : zbornik radova. : Udruženje studenata filozofije Beograda, Beograd, pp. 100-115. ISBN 978-86-916301-0-2
Matković, Aleksandar (2013) O spekulativnom realizmu. Treći program (157). pp. 9-13. ISSN 0564-7010
Matković, Aleksandar (2013) Siva ekonomija duga. Čemu, XI (22). pp. 35-45. ISSN 1330-7193
Miljković, Marko (2013) Sajmovi automobila u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji kao mjesta promidžbe nacističke Njemačke. Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 45 (2). pp. 305-325. ISSN 0590-9597
Minović, Jelena (2013) Analiza likvidnosti finansijskog tržišta Srbije i Hrvatske. Megatrend revija : međunarodni časopis za primenjenu ekonomiju, 10 (2). pp. 117-133. ISSN 1820-3159
Minović, Jelena (2013) Subjektivne verovatnoće i heterogenost investitorskih stavova. In: Zbornik radova / XL simpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima - SYM-OP-IS 2013. Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Beograd, pp. 34-39. ISBN 978-86-7680-286-9
Minović, Jelena and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Drašković, Božo (2013) Financial Engineering Education : The Case Study of Financial Modelling Using Games. International journal of engineering education, 29 (3). pp. 634-643. ISSN 0949-149X
Minović, Jelena and Vuković, Vlastimir (2013) Analysis of the Serbian Capital Market. Economic Analysis, 46 (1-2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1821-2573
Mitić, Petar and Radović, Vesela and Raspopović, Neda (2013) Budget shortfalls in mitigation impacts of extreme weather events: a new challenge for Serbian sustainable development. In: Proceedings of the 4th International conference of economic sciences. Kaposvár university, Faculty of economic sciences, Kaposvár, pp. 199-207. ISBN 978-963-9821-62-0
Munitlak Ivanović, Olja (2013) Harmonizacija energetske politike Srbije sa politikom Evropske unije kao moguće rešenje ublažavanja efekata krize. In: Globalna ekonomska kriza i poslovna ekonomija - izazovi teorije i prakse / Četvrti naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Univerziteta Edukons u Sremskoj Kamenici. Univerzitet Edukons, Naučno-istraživački centar, Sremska Kamenica, pp. 379-392. ISBN 978-86-87785-45-8
Munitlak Ivanović, Olja (2013) Reindustrijalizacija privrede - imperativ i razvojna šansa Srbije. Poslovna ekonomija: časopis za poslovnu ekonomiju, preduzetništvo i finasije, 12 (1). pp. 21-34. ISSN 1820-6859
Munitlak Ivanović, Olja and Golušin, Mirjana (2013) Environmental and energy tax reform in the EU. In: Economic Sciences on the Crossroad. Institute of economic sciences, Belgrade, pp. 548-556. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Munitlak Ivanović, Olja and Raspopović, Neda and Mitić, Petar and Rakić, Slobodan (2013) Analysis of Life Insurance Premium in Regard to Net Income as an Influencing Factor – the Case of the Republic of Serbia. Industrija: časopis za ekonomiku industrije, 41 (4). pp. 23-37. ISSN 0350-0373
Nikolić, Ivan and Zubović, Jovan (2013) Structural changes in Serbian industry during transition. Industrija : časopis za ekonomiku industrije, 41 (2). pp. 67-79. ISSN 0350-0373
Novaković, Dušan and Dedeić, Predrag and Brnjas, Zvonko (2013) Industrijska zona kao instrument lokalne samouprave u privlačenju direktnih investicija. Pravne teme: časopis Departmana za pravne nauke Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru, 1 (1). pp. 43-56. ISSN 2334-8100
Ognjenović, Kosovka (2013) Employment and the functioning of the labour market in Serbia. In: Sciences on the Crossroad / International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary ofthe IES. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 589-600. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Ognjenović, Kosovka (2013) How Structural Changes Affect Enterprises’ Expectations about Employment in Serbia? Economic analysis, 46 (3-4). pp. 141-151. ISSN 1821-2573
Ognjenović, Kosovka (2013) A semiparametric approach to the analysis of young women´s participation in the labour force in Serbia. In: SOR '13 proceedings / The 12th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia. Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational Research, Ljubljana, pp. 245-250. ISBN 978-961-6165-40-2
Ognjenović, Kosovka and Branković, Aleksandra (2013) Employment Change and Business Prospects in Serbia. Industrija, 41 (3). pp. 67-84. ISSN 0350-0373
Ognjenović, Kosovka and Branković, Aleksandra (2013) Recent trends and development of the labour force in Serbia. In: Education and Employment Opportunities for Entrepreneurs. Faculty of Business Economics and Enterpreneurship, Belgrade, pp. 229-247. ISBN 978-86-6069-096-0
Ognjenović, Kosovka and Branković, Aleksandra (2013) Shifts in occupational and skill needs in the Western Balkan region: a slow adjustment. In: Post crisis recovery. Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, pp. 581-602. ISBN 978-86-7852-034-1
Olabisi, Yusuff (2013) Social Organization of Textile – Trading Among Yoruba Women Textile Traders: Implication towards Entrepreneurial Development in Informal Economy in Nigeria. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (1-2). pp. 36-61. ISSN 1821-1283
Ombati, Mokua (2013) Educational Gender Party: Challenges of the Kenyan Girl. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 109-125. ISSN 1821-1283
Pantić, Olivera and Filimonović, Dragan (2013) Analysis of the development of small and medium enterprises in the agro-food system of Serbia. In: Economic Sciences on the Crossroad. Institute of economic sciences, Belgrade, pp. 576-585. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Pantić, Olivera and Stevanović, Slavica and Milivojević, Saša (2013) Politika upravljanja otpadom u poljoprivredi Republike Srbije - stanje i perspektive. Ecologica : nauka, privreda, iskustva, 20 (71). pp. 474-478. ISSN 0354-3285
Paunović, Mihailo (2013) The Impact of Asset Liquidity on Leverage : empirical evidences of privatised firms in Serbia. Lap Lambert, Saarbrücken. ISBN 978-3-659-31715-6
Pavlović, Dejana (2013) Praćenje i ocenjivanje radnog učinka u turističkom objektu. HiT menadžment : manadžment u hotelijerstvu i turizmu, 1 (2). pp. 49-56. ISSN 2334-8267
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Radojević, Petar and Milivojević, Saša and Stefanović, Saša (2013) Short term orientation of subject of corporate governance as cause of the economic crisis. In: Post crisis recovery. Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, pp. 280-293. ISBN 978-86-7852-034-1
Radovanović, Bojana (2013) Well-Being – Resources, Happiness and Capabilities: Theoretical Discussions and the Evidence from the Western Balkans. Economic analysis, 46 (3-4). pp. 152-163. ISSN 1821-2573
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Radović, Vesela and Mitić, Petar and Raspopović, Neda (2013) Implementation concept of "Business crises and continuity management": a great challenge in the recovery process of Serbian economy. In: Management of corporate security: new approaches and future challenges. Institute for Corporative Security Studies, Ljubljana, pp. 115-128. ISBN 978-961-92860-7-4
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Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2013) An aging workforce: employment, opportunities and obstacles. Cadmus, 1 (6). ISSN 2038-5250
Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Avolio Alecchi, Beatrice E. (2013) Women and entrepreneurship: female durability, persistence and intuition at work. Gower Publishing Limited, Surrey, pp. 498-508. ISBN 978-1-4094-6618-5
Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Cogoljević, Dušan and Đuričić, Zorana and Vujičić, Slađana (2013) A creative approach to project management in the global environment. Metalurgia internaţional, 18 (6). ISSN 1582-2214
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Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Grozdanić, Radmila and Jovančević, Dragica and Jevtić, Boris and Vukosavljević, Dejan (2013) The importance of the environment vulnerability monitoring. Ecologica: nauka, privreda, iskustva, 20 (70). pp. 141-148. ISSN 0354-3285
Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Marković, Dušan and Baranenko, Elena (2013) Development of entrepreneurial competences through e-learning: an evidence of Serbia and Turkey. In: Entrepreneurship, finance and education in the digital age. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, pp. 291-323. ISBN 978-3-659-41255-4
Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Nelson-Porter, Brenda and Grozdanić, Radmila (2013) Rural women innovation and entrepreneurship in transition countries. Contemporary research on organization management and administration (1). pp. 87-97. ISSN 2335-7959
Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Salamzadeh, Aidin and Mostafa Razavi, Sayyed (2013) Women in business and leadership: critiques and discussions. In: International Conference Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship. Faculty of Business Economics and Enterpreneurship, Belgrade, pp. 19-31. ISBN 978-86-6069-095-3
Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vučeković, Miloš and Cogoljević, Dušan and Cogoljević, Maja (2013) The role of managers in creating a desired organizational culture in global business condition. Metalurgia internaţional, 18 (6). ISSN 1582-2214
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Simović, Vladimir and Domazet, Ivana (2013) The effects of implementation of credit information exchange system in Serbia. In: Post Crisis Recovery. Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, pp. 200-214. ISBN 978-86-7852-034-1
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Stevanović, Slavica (2013) Razvrstavanje novčanih tokova - dileme u međunarodnoj i domaćoj praksi. Računovodstvo: časopis za računovodstvo, reviziju i poslovne finansije, 57 (3/4). pp. 30-37. ISSN 1450-6114
Stevanović, Slavica and Belopavlović, Grozdana and Lazarević-Moravčević, Marija (2013) Creative Cash Flow Reporting – the Motivation and Opportunities. Economic analysis, 46 (1-2). pp. 28-39. ISSN 1821-2573
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Vujičić, Slađana and Ivković, Dragan and Nikolić, Ivica and Manojlović, Goran (2013) Female Entrepreneurship in Serbia and Opportunities for its Development. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 126-136. ISSN 1821-1283
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Vuković, Vlastimir and Malović, Marko (2013) Relationship between electronic money and monetary policy. In: Entrepreneurship, finance and education in the digital age. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, pp. 201-218. ISBN 978-3-659-41255-4
Vuković, Vlastimir and Minović, Jelena (2013) Prolonged recession in Serbia and recovery prospects. In: Post crisis recovery. Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, pp. 317-327. ISBN 978-86-7852-034-1
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Zubović, Jovan and Boškov, Veronika (2013) Elasticity of Agricultural Labour Market: the case of Zrenjanin District. In: Achieving Regional Competitiveness : thematic proceedings / International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Terms of the Republic of Serbia Strategic Goals Realization within the Danube Region". Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, pp. 366-381. ISBN 978-86-6269-026-5
Zubović, Jovan and Boškov, Veronika and Bešlin Feruh, Marija (2013) Zadovoljstvo poslom u javnom sektoru u Vojvodini. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 59 (4). pp. 32-38. ISSN 0350-137X
Zubović, Jovan and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2013) Jačanje konkurentnosti kao faktor izlaska iz krize država Zapadnog Balkana. In: Institucionalne promene kao determinanta privrednog razvoja Srbije. Ekonomski fakultet, Kragujevac, pp. 403-418. ISBN 978-86-6091-043-3
Zubović, Jovan and Domazet, Ivana (2013) Effectiveness of government interventions at labour markets - the case of women and youth in Serbia. АктуалЬни проблеми економіки, 13 (1(139)). pp. 302-313. ISSN 1993-6788
Zubović, Jovan and Jeločnik, Marko and Subić, Jonel (2013) Introducing internal audit function in productive companies: case study form an ICT company. In: Аграрная наука, творчество, рост: Сборник научных трудов по материалам Междунаорной научно-практической конференции. АГРУС, Ставропољ, pp. 228-232. ISBN 978-5-9596-0871-2
Zubović, Jovan and Nikolić, Ivan (2013) Determining the Effectiveness of ALMP on Youth in Serbia. Industrija, 41 (3). pp. 55-66. ISSN 0350-0373
Zubović, Jovan and Reljić, Marija and Novović, Bojana and Jeločnik, Marko (2013) Importance of Investments in Science and Technology in Serbia and SEE countries. In: V Международной научно-практической конференции : Современные проблемы развития националнЬной экономики. "АГРУС", Ставрополы, pp. 33-39. ISBN 978-5-9596-0919-1
Čukanović Karavidić, Marija and Karavidić, Slavko and Gavrić, Gordana (2013) Innovative Management in Education Using Communication Instruments. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 88-108. ISSN 1821-1283
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Đuričin, Sonja and Beraha, Isidora (2013) Alternative forms of financing of small and medium sized enterprises for the purpose of strengthening competitiveness at the international level. In: Economic Sciences on the Crossroad. Institute of economic sciences, Belgrade, pp. 382-392. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5
Đuričin, Sonja and Beraha, Isidora (2013) Innovative activities of small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia. Erenet profile, 8 (2). pp. 44-57. ISSN 1789-624X
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Đuričin, Sonja and Bodroža, Duško (2013) The Impact of Drought on Yield Position of the Group of Enterprises from Agriculture Sector. Ekonomika poljoprivrede : časopis Saveza poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara Jugoslavije, 60 (1). pp. 25-38. ISSN 0352-3462
Đuričin, Sonja and Stevanović, Slavica and Baranenko, Elena (2013) Analiza i ocena konkurentnosti privrede Srbije. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, pp. 97-114. ISBN 978-86-89465-09-9
Živkov, Dejan and Njegić, Jovan and Ljumović, Isidora (2013) Linkage between external and internal imbalance – the case of Serbia. Industrija: časopis za ekonomiku industrije, 41 (4). pp. 127-142. ISSN 0350-0373