Items where Research Department is "Digital Economics"

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Achakpa, Priscilla and Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2018) Employment Women Through Entrepreneurship Development and Education in Developing Countries. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (1/2). pp. 17-30. ISSN 1821-1283

Achakpa, Priscilla and Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2019) Enhancing Women's Economic Empowerment through G-WiN Project: Research Report. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 103-108. ISSN 1821-1283

Aleksić Mirić, Ana and Lebedinski, Lara (2015) Socijalno preduzetništvo u Srbiji: pregled i perspektive. In: Ekonomska politika Srbije u 2015. Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd, pp. 219-228. ISBN 978-86-403-1411-4

Antonijević, Marija and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Banović, Jelena and Ivanović, Đina (2023) Is There a Relationship Between Country Development and Citizens’ Level of Digital Skills? Economic Analysis: journal of emerging economies. ISSN 2560-3949

Antonijević, Marija and Domazet, Ivana (2024) Relationship between Digital Financial Inclusion and Country Development. Proceedings, 101 (1). ISSN 2504-3900

Antonijević, Marija and Domazet, Ivana and Kojić, Milena and Simović, Vladimir (2024) Financial Inclusion - A Driving Force for Women's Entrepreneurship Development. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education. ISSN 2406-0674

Antonijević, Marija and Ivanović, Đina (2021) Evaluation of the Human Development Index (HDI) Using the Methods of Sample Theory. International Journal of Economic Practice and Policy, 18 (1). pp. 14-32. ISSN 2812-7315

Antonijević, Marija and Ivanović, Đina and Simović, Vladimir (2021) Adoption of Mobile Banking in the Republic of Serbia. In: Finance, Innovation and Technology: new models and structures. Institute of Economics - Ss. Cyril & Methodius University, Skopje, pp. 76-95. ISBN 978-608-4519-23-2

Antonijević, Marija and Ljumović, Isidora and Ivanović, Đina (2022) Is there a Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion Worldwide? Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (1-2). pp. 79-96. ISSN 2406-0674

Antonijević, Marija and Ljumović, Isidora and Lukić, Velimir (2021) Are digital financial payments constrained by the country’s income? Evidence from the Global Findex database. Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, 57 (46). pp. 115-129. ISSN 2683-4162

Anđelić, Slavica and Brnjas, Zvonko and Domazet, Ivana (2017) Education and entrepreneurship. In: Insights and potential sources of new entrepreneurial growth: Proceedings of the international roundtable on entrepreneurship. Faculty of business economics and entrepreneurship, Belgrade, pp. 383-393. ISBN 978-88-95922-84-3


Banović, Jelena (2023) Digital Skills among Women in Tourism in Serbia. Proceedings, 85 (1). ISSN 2504-3900

Banović, Jelena (2023) Digitalna arhivistika u cilju očuvanja intelektualnog kapitala u nauci: doktorska disertacija. Doctoral thesis, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filološki fakultet.

Banović, Jelena and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2023) Digitalizacija dokumentacije u funkciji očuvanja životne sredine. Ecologica: naučno-stručni i informativni časopis, 30 (111). pp. 442-448. ISSN 0354-3285

Banović, Jelena and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2021) Digitalizacija u službi diseminacije naučnih publikacija u humanističkim i društvenim naukama u Srbiji (empirijski nalazi). Književna istorija, 53 (175). pp. 397-419. ISSN 0350-6428

Banović, Jelena and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2023) Digitalni repozitorijumi - okruženje za kreiranje znanja i očuvanje intelektualnog kapitala u nauci. In: XXIX Skup Trendovi razvoja "Univerzitet pred novim izazovima", Vrnjačka Banja, 8-11.02.2023. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad, pp. 118-121.

Banović, Jelena and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2022) Legal Issues in Managing and Sharing Research Data. In: 4th Virtual international conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation PaKSoM 2022. Complex System Research Centre ; Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Niš ; Belgrade, pp. 441-447. ISBN 978-86-82602-00-2

Banović, Jelena and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2024) Softveri otvorenog koda za izradu digitalnih repozitorijuma sa osvrtom na EPrints. Bibliotekar, 66 (1). pp. 99-111. ISSN 0006-1816

Banović, Jelena and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Nedović, Nemanja (2021) Građanska nauka u uslovima COVID-19 pandemije. Ecologica: naučno-stručni i informativni časopis, 28 (104). pp. 591-597. ISSN 0354-3285

Banović, Jelena and Pavlović, Dejana (2021) Information and Communication Technology’s Skills among the Working Population of Serbia. Economic Analysis : journal of emerging economics, 54 (2). pp. 118-127. ISSN 1821-2573

Belopavlović, Grozdana and Stevanović, Slavica and Lazarević-Moravčević, Marija (2012) Lizing kao specijalni oblik finansiranja preduzeća. In: Majska konferencija o strategijskom menadžmentu : Zbornik radova. Tehnički fakultet, Bor, Zaječar, pp. 744-751. ISBN 978-86-80987-96-5

Belopavlović, Grozdana and Stevanović, Slavica and Minović, Jelena (2012) Kreativno računovodstvo - uticaj na kvalitet finansijskog izveštavanja. In: Zbornik radova / Međunarodni naučni skup ES-NBE 2011 Ekonomska nauka u funkciji kreiranja novog poslovnog ambijenta. Ekonomski fakultet, Priština/Kosovska Mitrovica, pp. 716-728. ISBN 978-86-80127-64-4

Belopavlović, Grozdana and Vukelić, Gordana and Stevanović, Slavica (2015) Detection of financial frauds: a challenge for accounting profession. In: New еconomic policy reforms. Belgrade Banking Academy, Belgrade, pp. 476-485. ISBN 978-86-7852-036-5

Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2022) Digitalne veštine građana Srbije. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-89465-72-3

Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2021) Personal Data Protection in Serbian Hotels. In: Book of proceedings from The 12th International Conference on Business Information Security, BISEC-2021. Beograd Univerzitet Metropolitan, pp. 7-13. ISBN 978-86-89755-22-0

Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2013) Strategic use of technology in the financial sector: e-banking and forms of electronic money. In: Entrepreneurship, finance and education in the digital age. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, pp. 239-254. ISBN 978-3-659-41255-4

Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2021) Tourism 4.0: Data-Driven Covid-19 Recovery. In: Innovative Aspects of the Development Service and Tourism : Book of proceedings of IX International scientific-practical conference (Stavropol, 22 April 2021) : research materials and reports : Part II. Секвойя, Stavropol. ISBN 978-5-907110-75-5

Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Antonijević, Marija and Zdravković, Aleksandar (2022) Digitalne preduzetničke kompetencije studenata. In: XXVIII skup Trendovi razvoja "Univerzitetsko obrazovanje za privredu". Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad, pp. 405-408. ISBN 978-86-6022-401-1

Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Džopalić, Marija (2009) Development of information systems in Zastava and the future with Fiat. In: Business Opportunities in Serbia : the case of Italian business sector and the role of management education. Belgrade Banking Academy and Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 125-131. ISBN 978-86-9852-025-9

Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Kostić, Larisa and Banović, Jelena (2022) Digitalne veštine u funkciji održivog turizma Srbije. Ecologica: naučno-stručni i informativni časopis, 29 (107). pp. 324-330. ISSN 0354-3285

Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Mišić, Tatjana (2022) Wellness in Serbian hotels during the Covid-19 pandemics. In: International scientific conference "The future of tourism", Vrnjačka Banja. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of hotel management and tourism, Belgrade, pp. 46-62. ISBN 978-86-89949-65-0

Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Zdravković, Aleksandar and Mišić, Tatjana (2020) eHealth Skills of Female Entrepreneurs in Serbia. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 101-122. ISSN 1821-1283

Brajević, Irena and Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko (2020) Quality management in service activities. Balkan economic review, 3. pp. 6-20. ISSN 2726-5498

Brnjas, Zvonko (2015) Javno-privatno partnerstvo kao instrument realizacije infrastrukturnih projekata. In: Strukturne promene u Srbiji : dosadašnji rezultati i perspektive. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, pp. 214-229. ISBN 978-86-89465-17-4

Brnjas, Zvonko and Tripunoski, Ivana (2016) Situational analysis in the function of developing company competitive advantage. In: Entrepreneurship: types, current trends and future perspectives. Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship (BEE), Belgrade, pp. 134-153. ISBN 978-1-5323-2194-8


De la Roche, Marcelle and Simović, Vladimir (2023) Remote Work Opportunities for the Persons with Disabilities: A Literature Review. Economic Analysis, 56 (2). pp. 28-38. ISSN 2560-3949

Domazet, Ivana (2013) Brendiranje Srbije. Treći program (157). pp. 191-209. ISSN 0564-7010

Domazet, Ivana (2018) Digital Transformation of Business Portfolio Through DCRM. In: Digital transformation: new challenges and business opportunities. Silver and Smith Publishers, London, pp. 214-235. ISBN 978-1-9993029-4-8

Domazet, Ivana (2013) IMK koncept finansijskih organizacija. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 49 (4). pp. 47-55. ISSN 0350-137X

Domazet, Ivana (2012) Marketing komunikacije finansijskih organizacija. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-80315-91-1

Domazet, Ivana (2013) Positioning of Serbian national brand. In: Sciences on the Crossroad / International Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 55th Anniversary ofthe IES. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 370-381. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5

Domazet, Ivana (2011) Uloga internog marketinga u unapredjenju kvaliteta ljudskih resursa. In: Aktivne mere na tržištu rada i pitanja zaposlenosti. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, pp. 260-279. ISBN 978-86-80315-86-7

Domazet, Ivana (2016) Unapređenje konkurentnosti preduzeća implementacijom CRM modela. In: Pravci strukturnih promena u procesu pristupanja Evropskoj uniji. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, pp. 225-241. ISBN 978-86-89465-26-6

Domazet, Ivana and Cvetkov Čikošev, Tatjana (2019) Uloga digitalnog marketinga u razvoju i pozicioniranju brenda Nisotec. In: Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem "Izazovi savremenog marketinga". Srpsko udruženje za marketing - SeMa, Beograd, pp. 101-111. ISBN 978-86-7852-056-3

Domazet, Ivana and Hanić, Aida (2012) Promotion of Serbian national image in the light of EU accession. In: European integration process in Western Balkan countries. Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, pp. 589-607. ISBN 978-972-9344-05-3

Domazet, Ivana and Hanić, Azra (2010) Budžetiranje promocije finansijskih organizacija u Srbiji. In: Međunarodna naučna konferencija Menadžment 2010. Fakultet za industrijski menadžment, ICIM plus - Izdavački centar za industrijski menadžment plus, Beograd, pp. 98-104. ISBN 978-86-84909-69-7

Domazet, Ivana and Hanić, Hasan (2012) Strengthening Economic Subjects' Internal Capacities: marketing management and CRM. In: Managing structural changes : trends and requirements. Coimbra : Faculty of Economics, Coimbra, pp. 44-60. ISBN 978-972-9344-06-0

Domazet, Ivana and Hanić, Hasan and Hanić, Azra (2015) Tehnološka infrastruktura CRM-KAM koncepta : faktor konkurentnosti finansijskih organizacija. FBIM Transactions : Finance, Business, Information & Industrial Technologies, Management, 3 (2). pp. 23-32. ISSN 2334-718X

Domazet, Ivana and Hanić, Hasan and Simeunović, Ivana (2013) Istraživanje tržišta – Faktor uspešnog strategijskog marketinga finansijskih organizacija. Marketing : časopis Jugoslavenskog udruženja za marketing JUMA, 44 (4). pp. 310-320. ISSN 0354-3471

Domazet, Ivana and Lazarević-Moravčević, Marija (2022) Internet Marketing: Factor of Improving SME Business in Serbia. In: Navigating digital communication and challenges for organizations. Business Science Reference, Hershey, PA. ISBN 978-17-99897-90-3

Domazet, Ivana and Lazić, Milena (2021) Integrated Marketing Approach and National Branding as Covid-19 Crisis Response in Tourism Sector. In: Innovative Aspects of the Development Service and Tourism : Book of proceedings of IX International scientific-practical conference (Stavropol, 22 April 2021) : research materials and reports : Part II. Секвойя, Stavropol. ISBN 978-5-907110-75-5

Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko (2024) Digital Progress and Information Society: Evidence From EU Countries and Serbia. In: Driving Decentralization and Disruption With Digital Technologies. IGI global. ISBN 979-8-3693-3254-2

Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko (2025) Digital transformation as a factor in the economic development of Montenegro. In: Perspectives on digital transformation in contemporary business. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 81-111. ISBN 979-83-693-5968-6

Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko (2023) Informacione i komunikacione tehnologije - ključni faktor konkurentne digitalne ekonomije. In: 28th International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management SM 2023, Subotica, 18-19 May, 2023. Faculty of Economics, Subotica, pp. 326-332. ISBN 978-86-7233-416-6

Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko (2024) Non-fiscal levies and other taxes in the function of Serbia’s fiscal competitiveness. Economics of Firms, 72 (3/4). pp. 192-203. ISSN 0353-443X

Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko and Ahmetagić, Deniz and Antonijević, Marija (2022) Does the Increase in the Number of Registered Patents Affect Economic Growth? Evidence from Romania and Bulgaria. Economic Analysis: Applied Research in Emerging Markets, 55 (2). pp. 49-65. ISSN 2560-3949

Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko and Ahmetagić, Deniz and Bugarčić, Milica and Simović, Vladimir (2024) Business Sector Investment in R&D as a Factor for Improving Innovation - Evidence from Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Serbia. Eastern European Economics, 62 (1). pp. 50-68. ISSN 0012-8775

Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko and Ahmetagić, Deniz and Simović, Vladimir (2023) The influence of the number of patents on the economic growth of the country – evidence from Serbia and Hungary. Strategic management: international Journal of Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management. ISSN 2334-6191

Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko and Ahmetagić, Deniz and Stantić, Jadranka (2023) Innovation and ICT: Key Factors of Successful Business. In: Innovation, strategy, and transformation frameworks for the modern enterprise. Business Science Reference, Hershey, PA. ISBN 979-83-69304-58-7

Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko and Beraha, Isidora and Ahmetagić, Deniz (2022) Innovative capacity as a driving force of national competitiveness. Ekonomika preduzeća, 70 (7-8). pp. 406-418. ISSN 0353-443X

Domazet, Ivana and Marjanović, Darko and Subić, Jonel (2024) Driving factors of the montenegrin economy - FDI and tourism. International Review (1-2). pp. 117-127. ISSN 2217-9739

Domazet, Ivana and Neogradi, Slađana (2023) Customer Relationship Management: A Key Factor in Banks’ Competitiveness in Modern Business. Proceedings, 85 (1). ISSN 2504-3900

Domazet, Ivana and Neogradi, Slađana (2018) Digital Marketing and Service Industry: Digital Marketing in the Banking Industry. In: Managing diversity, innovation, and infrastructure in digital business. Business Science Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 20-41. ISBN 978-15-22559-93-1

Domazet, Ivana and Neogradi, Slađana (2019) Značaj primene digitalnih tehnologija u bankarstvu: stavovi menadžera banaka. In: Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem "Izazovi savremenog marketinga". Srpsko udruženje za marketing - SeMa, Beograd, pp. 112-119. ISBN 978-86-7852-056-3

Domazet, Ivana and Neogradi, Slađana and Simović, Vladimir (2019) Značaj društvenih mreža kao digitalnih kanala komunikacije u srpskim bankama. Marketing, 50 (4). pp. 289-297. ISSN 0354-3471

Domazet, Ivana and Stošić, Ivan (2017) Basic Characteristics of Competitive Relations in the After-Sales Market of Motor Vehicles in Serbia. Ekonomika preduzeća, 65 (5/6). pp. 413-426. ISSN 0353-443X

Domazet, Ivana and Stošić, Ivan (2013) Strengthening the Competitiveness of Serbian Economy and the Corporate Market Restructuring. Economic analysis, 46 (3-4). pp. 108-124. ISSN 1821-2573

Domazet, Ivana and Stošić, Ivan and Hanić, Azra (2016) New technologies aimed at improving the competitiveness of companies in the services sector. In: Europe and Asia: economic integration prospects. CEMAFI International, France, pp. 363-377. ISBN 979-10-96557-02-8

Domazet, Ivana and Stošić, Ivan and Lazić, Milena (2018) Competitive Relations in the Aftersales Market of Major Home Appliances in Serbia. Economic analysis, 51 (1/2). pp. 47-59. ISSN 1821-2573

Domazet, Ivana and Stošić, Ivan and Marković Bajalović, Dijana and Hanić, Hasan and Simović, Vladimir and Lazić, Milena (2016) Istraživanje tržišta postprodajnih usluga (Aftermarkets). Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd.

Domazet, Ivana and Vukanović, Maša (2022) Destination Branding and Cultural Tourism - Case from Serbia. In: Modern management tools and economy of tourism sector in present era: 6th international thematic monograph. Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans; Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Belgrade ; Ohrid, pp. 425-440. ISBN 978-86-80194-49-3

Domazet, Ivana and Vukanović, Maša and Jokić, Biljana and Todorović, Maja (2018) Muzeji Srbije kao deo kulturno turističke ponude za porodice sa decom. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-89465-38-9

Domazet, Ivana and Zubović, Jovan (2011) Database marketing based business development – the case of Serbian financial sector. In: Contemporary issues in the integration processes of Western Balkan countries in the European Union. International Center for Promotion of Enterprise, Ljubljana. ISBN 978-961-93203-0-3

Domazet, Ivana and Zubović, Jovan (2011) Unapređenje poslovanja primenom marketinga zasnovanog na bazama podataka sa posebnim naglaskom na finansijske institucije. In: Realni sektor, finansijske institucije i usluge u globalnoj krizi - mogućnost oporavka. Univerzitet Edukons, Naučno-istraživački centar, Sremska Kamenica, pp. 487-500. ISBN 978-86-87785-30-4

Domazet, Ivana and Zubović, Jovan and Simeunović, Ivana (2012) Analiza procesa i faza razvoja efikasnih marketing komunikacija. Ekonomika: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 58 (3). pp. 21-30. ISSN 0350-137X

Domazet, Ivana and Đokić, Ines and Milovanov, Olja (2018) The Influence of Advertising Media on Brand Awareness. Management, 23 (1). pp. 13-22. ISSN 1820-0222

Domazet, Ivana and Đokić, Nenad (2017) Food safety from consumer perspective: consumer confidence in food safety. In: Establishing food security and alternatives to international trade in emerging economies. Business Science Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 316-336. ISBN 978-15-22527-33-6

Done, Ioan and Domazet, Ivana (2011) Improving the quality of human resources by implementation of internal marketing. In: The role of labour markets and human capital in the unstable environment. Karta Graphic Publishing House and Institute of Agricultural Economics, Ploiesti,ROM and Belgrade,SRB, pp. 57-86. ISBN 978-86-6269-001-2

Dragaš, Radovan and Marjanović, Darko (2013) Analysis of Foreign Exchange Risk Assessment Work for Credit of all Corporate Entities. In: III International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness (EMC 2013), Zrenjanin, 21-22nd June 2013. Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, pp. 351-356. ISBN 978-86-7672-202-0

Dragaš, Radovan and Marjanović, Darko (2014) Banks's Debt Collection by Means of Judicial and Non-Judicial Proceedings. In: IV International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness (EMC 2014), Zrenjanin, 20-21st June 2014. Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, pp. 333-338. ISBN 978-86-7672-224-2

Drašković, Božo and Domazet, Ivana (2008) Koncentracija tržišne moći kao izraz nesavršenosti tržišta. In: Tržišne strukture i zaštita konkurencije : iskustva zemalja u tranziciji. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beogradska bankarska akademija, Beograd, pp. 45-83. ISBN 978-86-80315-77-5

Džopalić, Marija and Zubović, Jovan and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2010) Effective implementation of E-CRM strategy. Polish journal of management studies, 1 (1). pp. 52-62. ISSN 2081-7452


Erić, Dejan and Stošić, Ivan (2013) Korporativno restrukturiranje. Institut ekonomskih nauka; Beogradska bankarska akademija, Beograd, pp. 59-77. ISBN 978-86-89465-07-5


Golubović-Stojanović, Aleksandra and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vujičić, Slađana and Stevanović, Mirjana (2016) Employees' perceptions of their leaders. Economic Analysis, 49 (1/2). pp. 36-47. ISSN 1821-2573

Grozdanić, Radmila and Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2015) Family businesses motives for internationalisation: evidence from Serbia. In: Family businesses in transition economies: management, succession and internationalization. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 267-292. ISBN 978-3-319-14208-1

Grozdanić, Radmila and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Jovančević, Dragica (2012) Reciklaža kao rastuća tržišna niša socijalnih preduzeća. In: Ekonomski aspekti ekološke politike. Institut ekonomskih nauka; Beogradska bankarska akademija, Beograd, pp. 445-468. ISBN 978-86-80315-98-0

Grozdanić, Radmila and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Papić, Željko and Kvrgić, Goran and Jevtić, Boris (2012) Investment in innovation of SMEs, evidence from Balkan countries. Metalurgia internaţional. ISSN 1582-2214

Grozdanić, Radmila and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vučić, Milanka (2008) Female entrepreneurship in Serbia. In: Challenges of economic sciences in the 21st Century. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 227-237. ISBN 978-86-80315-79-9


Hanić, Hasan and Domazet, Ivana (2011) Managing customer relationship within financial organisations. Polish journal of management studies, 4. pp. 151-166. ISSN 2081-7452

Hanić, Hasan and Domazet, Ivana (2012) Primena savremenih koncepata kriznog marketing menadžmenta i budžetiranje marketinga u uslovima krize. In: Drugi talas ekonomske krize - posledice na privredu regiona i moguća rešenja / Treći naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Univerziteta Edukons. Univerzitet Edukons, Naučno-istraživački centar, Sremska Kamenica, pp. 313-324. ISBN 978-86-87785-36-6

Hanić, Hasan and Domazet, Ivana (2012) Specifičnosti marketinga finansijskih organizacija. Marketing : časopis Jugoslavenskog udruženja za marketing JUMA, 43 (1). pp. 3-14. ISSN 0354-3471

Hanić, Hasan and Domazet, Ivana and Drašković, Božo (2011) Razvoj i upravljanje odnosima sa klijentima u industriji finansijskih usluga. Poslovna ekonomija: časopis za poslovnu ekonomiju, preduzetništvo i finasije, IX (2). pp. 131-150. ISSN 1820-6859

Hanić, Hasan and Domazet, Ivana and Simeunović, Ivana (2012) Efikasnost marketing komunikacija i efektivnost medija za različite ciljne grupe. In: Međunarodna naučna konferencija: Menadžment 2012. Fakultet za industrijski menadžment, ICIM plus - Izdavački centar za industrijski menadžment plus, Beograd, pp. 791-796. ISBN 978-86-84909-74-1

Hanić, Hasan and Đurica, Maja and Domazet, Ivana (2012) Managing customer relationship. In: Innovative management and business performance / XIII International symposium SymOrg 2012. Faculty of organizational sciences, Belgrade, pp. 1097-1104. ISBN 978-86-7680-255-5


Ivanović, Đina and Antonijević, Marija (2022) Digital Competences Performance of Serbian Female Entrepreneurs. Megatrend revija: međunarodni časopis za primenjenu ekonomiju, 19 (1). pp. 163-176. ISSN 1820-3159

Ivanović, Đina and Antonijević, Marija (2020) The Role of Online Shopping in the Republic of Serbia During COVID‐19. Economic Analysis: Applied Research in Emerging Markets, 53 (1). pp. 28-41. ISSN 1821-2573

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Ivanović, Đina and Domazet, Ivana and Antonijević, Marija (2022) Nivo digitalnih kompetencija žena preduzetnica u Republici Srbiji. In: 27th International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management. Faculty of Economics, Subotica, pp. 349-356. ISBN 978-86-7233-406-7

Ivanović, Đina and Simović, Vladimir (2020) DigComp okvir - metodološki okvir za merenje digitalnih kompetencija. Trendovi u poslovanju: naučno-stručni časopis, 8 (15). pp. 83-92. ISSN 2334-816X

Ivanović, Đina and Simović, Vladimir (2019) Društvena trgovina kao alternativa "klasičnoj" elektronskoj trgovini. In: III Međunarodna naučno-stručna konferencija Regionalni razvoj i prekogranična saradnja, Pirot, decembar 2019. Privredna komora, Pirot, pp. 79-89. ISBN 978-86-900497-2-1

Ivanović, Đina and Simović, Vladimir (2020) An Overview of the Research Based on Digital Competencies. In: Trends in the development and application of information systems. University "Union - Nikola Tesla", Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering : University "Union - Nikola Tesla", Faculty of Business Studies and Law, Belgrade, pp. 273-289. ISBN 978-86-81400-26-5

Ivanović, Đina and Simović, Vladimir and Domazet, Ivana and Antonijević, Marija (2021) Average Matching Levels for Two DigComp Competence Areas of the Female Entrepreneurs in Serbia. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education : twice a Year Scientific Journal (3-4). pp. 42-60. ISSN 1821-1283


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Kabir, Shajahan and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Grozdanić, Radmila and Akther, Rahima and Kvrgić, Goran (2012) The impact of capital mix on rural women entrepreneurs: an evidence from Bangladesh. Metalurgia internaţional. ISSN 1582-2214

Kaftandijev, Christo and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vujičić, Slađana (2020) Traditional VS. Digital Theoretical Approach to Communications. In: Nacionalna naučno-stručna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Trendovi u poslovanju 2020. Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija "Prof. dr Radomir Bojković", Kruševac, pp. 159-168. ISBN 978-86-7566-053-8

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Lazić, Milena and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2022) Analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourism Demand in the Republic of Serbia – Challenges and Opportunities. In: Domaća konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem "Izazovi i perspektive marketinga" - SEMA. Srpsko udruženje za marketing - SEMA, Beograd, pp. 239-248. ISBN 978-86-903768-1-0

Lazić, Milena and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra and Banović, Jelena (2023) Digital skills in tourism and hospitality as a precondition for the sector resilient growth: The case of Serbia. Hotel and Tourism Management, 11 (1). pp. 25-40. ISSN 2620-0279

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Lazić, Milena and Domazet, Ivana and Vukmirović, Valentina and Banović, Jelena (2022) Strategic Framework for Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Online (Platform) Work. In: 27th International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management. Faculty of Economics, Subotica, pp. 397-404. ISBN 978-86-7233-406-7

Lazić, Milena and Hanić, Aida and Kojić, Milena (2024) How Could Environmental Education Benefit from Digitalization : The Case of Sensory Gardens in Serbia. In: Digital transformation and sustainable development in cities and organizations. IGI global, Hershey. ISBN 979-8-369-33567-3

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Lazić, Milena and Simović, Vladimir and Domazet, Ivana (2024) Digital competences and disability: a contribution to a more inclusive digital society. Universal Access in the Information Society. ISSN 1615-5297

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Lazić, Milena and Vukmirović, Valentina and Banović, Jelena (2022) Digitalne kompetencije osoba sa invaliditetom u Srbiji i uključivanje u rad na onlajn platformama – DigCompOSI. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd. (Unpublished)

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Ljumović, Isidora (2021) Environmental Data Collection and Classification in Crowd-Funding Platforms : Evidence from Kickstarter. In: International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Data Related Research Sinteza, Belgrade Jun 25, 2021. Singidunum University, Belgrade, pp. 83-88. ISBN 978-86-7912-755-6

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Ljumović, Isidora and Pavlović, Dejana (2021) Expanding Financial Inclusion for Youth : Does Digitalization Matter? In: Finance, Innovation and Technology: new models and structures. Institute of Economics - Ss. Cyril & Methodius University, Skopje, pp. 23-43. ISBN 978-608-4519-23-2

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Marinković, Grozdana and Stevanović, Slavica (2021) Financial Structure of Innovative Organizations in Serbia. In: Finance, Innovation and Technology: new models and structures. Institute of Economics - Ss. Cyril & Methodius University, Skopje, pp. 162-178. ISBN 978-608-4519-23-2

Marinković, Grozdana and Stevanović, Slavica (2021) Performance changes of the Tourism Sector in the Crises. In: 5th international thematic monograph: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era. Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans; Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Belgrade; Ohrid, pp. 425-439. ISBN 978-86-80194-42-4

Marjanović, Darko and Dragaš, Radovan (2013) NPL u funkciji upravljanja potraživanjima banke. In: XVIII Internacionalni naučni skup SM 2013 - Strategijski menadžment i sistemi podrške odlučivanju u strategijskom menadžmentu. Ekonomski fakultet, Subotica, pp. 345-356. ISBN 978-7233-329-9

Marjanović, Jelena and Domazet, Ivana and Miljković, Jovan (2023) Higher Education Branding through Instrumental Values. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 75-94. ISSN 2406-0674

Marković, Dušan and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Spasić, Žarko (2013) Various communication modalities in organizations with focus on virtual firms. In: Advances in international psychology: research approaches and personal dispositions, socialization processes and organizational behavior. VUZF University, Sofia, pp. 330-343. ISBN 978-3-86219-454-4

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Ottesen, Andri and Banna, Sumayya and Alzougool, Basil and Simović, Vladimir (2022) Driving Factors for Women's Switch to Electric Vehicles in Conservative Kuwait. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 46-67. ISSN 2406-0674


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Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2012) Analysis of the Level of Development of Private Sector in Serbia during the Last Decade. In: Managing structural changes : trends and requirements. Coimbra : Faculty of Economics, Coimbra, pp. 249-277. ISBN 978-972-9344-06-0

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2015) Causality among dual education, reducing unemployment and entrepreneurial initiatives of youth in the countries of the Western Balkans. In: Лидерство и организационно развитие: Leadership and organization development. Св. Климент Охридски, Sofia, pp. 10-19. ISBN 978-954-07-3946-5

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2013) Changes in SME demography in Serbia. Metalurgia internaţional, 18 (4). ISSN 1582-2214

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2008) Effective organizational change management. Serbian Journal of Management: an International Journal for Theory and Practice of Management Science, 3 (1). pp. 119-125. ISSN 1452-4864

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2007) Ekonomsko-pravni aspekti franšizinga. Teme: časopis za društvenu teoriju i praksu, 31 (2). pp. 391-399. ISSN 0353-7919

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2016) Empowering Employment of Women and Marginalized People Through Entrepreneurship Education in Serbia. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (1-2). pp. 3-17. ISSN 1821-1283

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2013) Evaluation of SME development in Serbia. АктуалЬни проблеми економіки, 145 (7). pp. 422-431. ISSN 1993-6788

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2018) Female Entrepreneurship Opportunity: Home-Based Genealogy Business. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3/4). pp. 20-33. ISSN 1821-1283

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2015) Female entrepreneurship in transition economies: an overview. In: Female entrepreneurship in transition economies : trends and challenges. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, pp. 9-30. ISBN 978-1-349-49568-9

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2013) Female entrepreneurship: theoretical approaches. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (1-2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1821-1283

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2005) Liderske sposobnosti žena i njihov položaj u poslovnom svetu. Teme: časopis za društvenu teoriju i praksu, 29 (3). pp. 271-282. ISSN 0353-7919

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2007) Managers and entrepreneurs skills as key contributors to SME success in the future business challenges. Serbian Journal of Management: an International Journal for Theory and Practice of Management Science, 2 (1). pp. 93-99. ISSN 1452-4864

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2008) Managing the organizational change and culture in the age of globalization. Journal of business economics and management, 9 (1). pp. 3-11. ISSN 1611-1699

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2017) Podsticanje rezilijentnosti preduzeća u Srbiji. In: Prva nacionalno naučno-stručna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Trendovi u poslovanju 2017. Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija "Prof. dr Radomir Bojković", Kruševac, pp. 1-7. ISBN 978-86-7566-046-0

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2014) Unleashing the potential of the small and medium enterprise sector in Serbia. Ekonomska istraživanja, 27 (1). pp. 700-712. ISSN 1331-677X

Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2008) Uticaj globalizacije na stvaranje novog modela preduzeća i njegovih konkurentskih prednosti. In: Tržišne strukture i zaštita konkurencije : iskustva zemalja u tranziciji. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beogradska bankarska akademija, Beograd, pp. 111-121. ISBN 978-86-80315-77-5

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Avolio Alecchi, Beatrice E. (2013) Women and entrepreneurship: female durability, persistence and intuition at work. Gower Publishing Limited, Surrey, pp. 498-508. ISBN 978-1-4094-6618-5

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Brnjas, Zvonko and Simović, Vladimir (2019) The Impact of Globalization on Entrepreneurship. Economic Analysis, 52 (1). pp. 56-68. ISSN 1821-2573

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Cogoljević, Dušan and Đuričić, Zorana and Vujičić, Slađana (2013) A creative approach to project management in the global environment. Metalurgia internaţional, 18 (6). ISSN 1582-2214

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Grozdanić, Radmila and Marković, Dušan (2012) The impact of virtual culture on effective communication in virtual organizations. Metalurgia internaţional. ISSN 1582-2214

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Jovanović, Jovica (2021) Impact of COVID-19 on Working from Home in Serbia: Possibilities and Consequences. In: Macroeconomic Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 319-343. ISBN 978-3-030-75444-0

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Jovančević, Dragica and Vujičić, Slađana (2014) Making the choice of a business strategy which will be stimulating for employees. In: Međunarodna konferencija o društvenom i tehnološkom razvoju. Univerzitet za poslovni inženjering i menadžment, Banja Luka, pp. 1-4. ISBN 2303-498X

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Krumov, Krum and Krumova, Albena and Malović, Marko (2014) Motivational factors affecting entrepreneurial decision: a comparison between Bulgarian and Serbian women entrepreneurs. In: Drivers for progress in the global society: proceedings of an European interdisciplinary forum. Academic Association of Management and Administration, Vilnius, pp. 103-115. ISBN 978-609-95468-4-1

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Kyaruzi, Imani Silver (2011) Poland's integration with the European Union and its implication for small and medium scale enterprises. In: Serbia and the European Union : economic lessons from the new member states. Facultade de economia Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, pp. 317-331. ISBN 978-972-9344-03-9

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Kyaruzi, Imani Silver (2010) Women in Business: theory, practice and flexible approaches. Adonis and Abbey Publishers, Ltd., London, UK, pp. 97-114. ISBN 978-1-9067-0444-5

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Lindgren, Carl Edwin and Grozdanić, Radmila and Marković, Dušan and Salamzadeh, Aidin (2012) Freedom, individuality and women`s entrepreneurship education. In: Entrepreneurship education: a priority for the higher education institutions. Medimond, Bologna. ISBN 978-88-7587-656-2

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Marković, Dušan (2014) Measuring professional competencies of virtual teams: fuzzy-logic based model. The IPSI BgD Transactions on Advanced Research, 10 (2). ISSN 1820-4511

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Marković, Dušan and Baranenko, Elena (2013) Development of entrepreneurial competences through e-learning: an evidence of Serbia and Turkey. In: Entrepreneurship, finance and education in the digital age. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, pp. 291-323. ISBN 978-3-659-41255-4

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Marković, Dušan and Demiray, Ugur and Demiray, Emine and Vučeković, Miloš and Salamzadeh, Aidin (2012) Fostering entrepreneurship in higher education through e-learning: a case study of Serbia and Turkey. In: 1st International Conference on Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship. Faculty of Business Economics and Enterpreneurship, Belgrade, pp. 33-46. ISBN 978-86-6069-082-3

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Marković, Dušan and Grozdanić, Radmila and Vučeković, Miloš (2014) Development of entrepreneurial innovative competences through e-learning: an evidence of Serbia. The IPSI BgD Transactions on Advanced Research, 10 (2). ISSN 1820-4511

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Marković, Dušan and Milić, Slaviša (2012) Uticaj elektronske komunikacije na virtuelne organizacije. Ekonomski signali, 7 (2). pp. 69-79. ISSN 1452-4457

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Marković, Dušan and Radulović, Dejan (2015) Critical competencies of virtual team members and its managers for business success. International review, 3 (1/2). pp. 17-25. ISSN 2217-9739

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Marković, Dušan and Simović, Vladimir (2018) Informatičke kompetencije menadžera i virtuelnih timova. Trendovi u poslovanju: naučno-stručni časopis, VI (12). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2334-816X

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Nelson-Porter, Brenda and Grozdanić, Radmila (2013) Rural women innovation and entrepreneurship in transition countries. Contemporary research on organization management and administration (1). pp. 87-97. ISSN 2335-7959

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Omolaja, Muhammed Ayinla (2011) Management dynamics in the new economy. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, pp. 498-508. ISBN 978-3-639-37237-3

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Pavlović, Dejana and Jovičić, Elena (2019) Women Empowerment through Tourism in Serbia. Приложна психология и социална практика : научна конференция. pp. 19-27. ISSN 1314-0507

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Radulović, Dejan and Đukanović, Borislav (2021) Rad (k)od kuće: ekonomski, pravni i socijalno-psihološki aspekti. Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, Sremski Karlovci ; Novi Sad. ISBN 978-86-7543-396-5

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Radulović, Dejan and Đukanović, Borislav and Kyaruzi, Imani Silver (2021) Flexibility and adaptation: the new post-Covid era. Silver and Smith Publishers, Birmingham, United Kingdom. ISBN 978-1-80068-337-2

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Salamazdeh, Aidin and Kesim, Hiroko (2016) Barriers to the advancement of women into leadership positions: a cross national study. In: Leadership and organization development : International scientific conference leadership and organization development, Kiten, Bulgaria. Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски", Sofia, pp. 287-294. ISBN 978-954-07-4129-1

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Salamzadeh, Aidin (2012) The nature of entrepreneurship: entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial activities. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, pp. 87-97. ISBN 978-3-659-14311-3

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Salamzadeh, Aidin and Marković, Dušan and Grozdanić, Radmila and Vučeković, Miloš (2012) E-learning in business and entrepreneurship: an evidence of Serbia, Iran and India. In: 1st International Conferenc Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship. Faculty of Business Economics and Enterpreneurship, Belgrade, pp. 13-31. ISBN 978-86-6069-082-3

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Salamzadeh, Aidin and Mostafa Razavi, Sayyed (2013) Women in business and leadership: critiques and discussions. In: International Conference Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship. Faculty of Business Economics and Enterpreneurship, Belgrade, pp. 19-31. ISBN 978-86-6069-095-3

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Shoaib Farooq, Muhammad and Marković, Dušan (2017) Strengthening the resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises. In: Management, enterprise and benchmarking in the 21st century IV : "Global challenges, local answers". Óbuda University, Budapest, pp. 345-356. ISBN 978-963-449-027-2

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Stevanović, Mirjana and Milojević, Nataša (2021) Remote Working in Terms of Covid-19. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 25 (1). ISSN 1939-4675

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Tomaš, Rajko (2018) Resilience of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Terms of Globalization: an Evidence of Serbia. International journal of entrepreneurship, 22 (3). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1099-9264

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vujičić, Slađana (2014) Innovative global companies : some case studies. In: Entrepreneurship : factors affectin small-scale business performance and development - International Conference Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship. Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, pp. 403-417. ISBN 978-86-6069-106-6

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vujičić, Slađana (2021) Prediction in social sciences. International review (1-2). pp. 18-24. ISSN 2217-9739

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vučeković, Miloš (2015) The role of information management in decision making and business success. In: Challenges to promoting entrepreneurship, leadership and competitiveness / International conference employment, education and enterpreneurship. Faculty of business economics and entrepreneurship; Bar code graphics, Belgrade; Chicago, pp. 175-187. ISBN 978-86-6069-116-5 (FBEE); 978-1-4951-7656-2(BCG)

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vučeković, Miloš and Cogoljević, Dušan and Cogoljević, Maja (2013) The role of managers in creating a desired organizational culture in global business condition. Metalurgia internaţional, 18 (6). ISSN 1582-2214

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vučeković, Miloš and Marković, Dušan (2021) Fleksibilan rad u digitalnoj ekonomiji. Trendovi u poslovanju, IX (17). pp. 25-31. ISSN 2334-816X

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Vučeković, Miloš and Salamzadeh, Aidin (2021) Investigating Employment Discrimination and Social Exclusion : Case of Serbia. In: Social Inequality as a Global Challenge. River Publishers, Denmark, pp. 105-117. ISBN 978-87-70225-98-4

Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Živanović, Branko (2019) Fostering Green Entrepreneurship and Women’s Empowerment through Education and Banks’ Investments in Tourism - evidence from Serbia. Sustainability, 23 (11). ISSN 2071-1050

Ranković, Marko and Popović Šević, Nevenka and Simović, Vladimir and Ilić, Milena and Mrđa, Miloš (2020) Critical Human Resources Factors for the Efficient Implementation of the HACCP Standard in the Catering Industry. In: Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges : Proceedings of the 35th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) 1-2 April 2020 Seville, Spain. International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), Seville, pp. 11063-11076. ISBN 978-0-9998551-4-0

Ranković, Marko and Simović, Vladimir and Vasković, Vojkan (2012) Upravljanje rizikom u e-bankarstvu. Info M: časopis za informacionu tehnologiju i multimedijalne sisteme, 11 (41). pp. 9-14. ISSN 1451-4397

Redžepagić, Srđan and Đukić, Mališa and Bodroža, Duško (2015) Poslovne zone i regionalni razvoj. In: Politika regionalnog razvoja: naučno utemeljenje i praktični primeri. Beogradska bankarska akademija, Fakultet za bankarstvo, osiguranje i finansije, Beograd, pp. 132-139. ISBN 978-86-7852-037-2


Salamzadeh, Aidin and Yadollahi Farsi, Jahangir and Motavaseli, Mahmoud and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Kawamorita Kesim, Hiroko (2015) Institutional factors affecting the transformation of entrepreneurial universities. International journal of business and globalisation, 14 (3). pp. 271-291. ISSN 1753-3635

Simeunović, Ivana and Domazet, Ivana and Balaban, Mladenka (2012) Bonus-malus sistem kao sastavni deo tarife autoodgovornosti. Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici : organ Ekonomskog fakultata u Subotici, 48 (28). pp. 315-325. ISSN 0350-2120

Simeunović, Ivana and Domazet, Ivana and Hanić, Hasan and Bugarčić, Milica (2021) Modelling of Claim Counts in Automobile Third-party Liability Insurance. In: Insights into Economics and Management. BP International, Petrosani, Romania, pp. 81-95. ISBN 978-93-90888-98-6

Simović, Vladimir (2020) The Factors Affecting the Level of Digital Entrepreneurial Competences of University Students. Economic Analysis: journal of emerging economics, 53 (2). pp. 145-155. ISSN 1821-2573

Simović, Vladimir (2013) The potential of the e-business and specialized internet services in terms of reducing the level of unemployment in Serbia. In: Economic Sciences on the Crossroad. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, pp. 641-651. ISBN 978-86-89465-10-5

Simović, Vladimir and Domazet, Ivana (2021) An Overview of the Frameworks for Measuring the Digital Competencies of College Students: A European Perspective. In: Stagnancy issues and change initiatives for global education in the digital age. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 259-282. ISBN 978-17-99849-93-3

Simović, Vladimir and Domazet, Ivana and Bhagat, Rupali and Sarhan, Hamsa and Ivanović, Đina (2022) Identification of Opportunities as the Component of Digital Entrepreneurial Competences of University Students : A pilot study in Kuwait and Serbia. In: ICEEG 2022: 2022 6th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government. Association for Computing Machinery, Plymouth, pp. 201-206. ISBN 978-1-4503-9652-3

Simović, Vladimir and Domazet, Ivana and Bugarčić, Milica and Safi, Mirna and Sarhan, Hamsa and Bhagat, Rupali and Bradić-Martinović, Aleksandra (2023) The association of socio-demographic characteristics of university students and the levels of their digital entrepreneurial competences. Heliyon, 9 (10). ISSN 2405-8440

Simović, Vladimir and Lazić, Milena and Safi, Mirna and Alkhalifah, Bashayer and Sarhan, Hamsa (2023) EmDigital into action: an overview of the tool for assessing the digital entrepreneurial competences of university students. In: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies: EDULEARN 23, Palma, Spain, 3-5 July, 2023. IATED Academy, Valencia, pp. 3165-3171. ISBN 978-84-09-52151-7

Simović, Vladimir and Paunović, Mihailo and Lazić, Milena and Domazet, Ivana and Bošković, Goran (2024) ‘I know that I know nothing’ – the perceptions of remote work competencies of the persons with disabilities. Information, communication and society, 27 (2). ISSN 1468-4462

Simović, Vladimir and Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2018) Modern Business Environment and Entrepreneurship Education. In: Digital transformation : new challenges and business opportunities. Silver and Smith Publishers, London, pp. 148-169. ISBN 978-1-9993029-4-8

Simović, Vladimir and Theofanidis, Faidon and Antonijević, Marija and Rahat, Massouma and Nissi, Yamen (2024) The Differences in Perceptions of Continuous Intention to Use Mobile Banking Apps : Evidence From Kuwait and Serbia. In: Convergence of digitalization, innovation, and sustainable development in business. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 185-205. ISBN 979-83-6930-799-1

Simović, Vladimir and Vasković, Vojkan and Poznanović, Dušan (2011) Performance evaluation of the Serbian Credit Bureau model. African journal of business management, 5 (11). pp. 4594-4608. ISSN 1993-8233

Simović, Vladimir and Vasković, Vojkan and Poznanović, Dušan (2009) A model of Credit Bureau in Serbia -instruments for preserving stability of the banking sector in conditions of global economic crisis. Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 4 (4). pp. 429-439. ISSN 1842-4562

Simović, Vladimir and Vasković, Vojkan and Ranković, Marko and Malinić, Slobodan (2011) The impact of functional characteristics of a credit bureau on per capita level of indebtedness : evidence from East European countries. Baltic journal of economics, 11 (2). pp. 101-130. ISSN 1406-099X

Simović, Vladimir M. and Domazet, Ivana S. (2023) What Drives the Levels of Digital Entrepreneurial Competencies of University Students?: A Research Roadmap and Preliminary Results. In: Female entrepreneurship as a driving force of economic growth and social change. Business Science Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 55-72. ISBN 978-16-68476-71-0

Stašević, Nastasja and Stevanović, Slavica (2019) Creative Accounting in Income Statement: the Case of Entrepreneurs in Serbia. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 17-32. ISSN 1821-1283

Stevanović, Slavica (2018) Korisnost Cash Flow pokazatelja u kreditnoj analizi: praksa u Srbiji. Bankarstvo, 47 (3). pp. 12-28. ISSN 2466-5495

Stevanović, Slavica (2018) Korisnost cash flow pokazatelja u kreditnoj analizi : praksa u Srbiji. Bankarstvo, 47 (3). pp. 12-28. ISSN 2466-5495

Stevanović, Slavica (2017) Performanse profitabilnosti srednjih preduzeća zagađivača životne sredine u Srbiji. Ecologica: naučno-stručni i informativni časopis, 24 (88). pp. 991-996. ISSN 0354-3285

Stevanović, Slavica (2013) Razvrstavanje novčanih tokova - dileme u međunarodnoj i domaćoj praksi. Računovodstvo: časopis za računovodstvo, reviziju i poslovne finansije, 57 (3/4). pp. 30-37. ISSN 1450-6114

Stevanović, Slavica (2014) Upotreba slobodnog novčanog toka u procesu vrednovanja : prednosti i nedostaci. In: Book of Proceedings/ Singidunum University International Scientific Conference Financial Reporting Function of the Corporate Governance. Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd, pp. 85-87. ISBN 978-86-7912-569-9

Stevanović, Slavica and Belopavlović, Grozdana (2012) Institucionalne i organizacione determinante kvaliteta sistema finansijskog izveštavanja. Računovodstvo: časopis za računovodstvo, reviziju i poslovne finansije, 56 (11/12). pp. 3-12. ISSN 1450-6114

Stevanović, Slavica and Belopavlović, Grozdana (2014) Protection of investors as a factor of competitiveness of economy - Serbia vs Western Balkans countries. In: Contemporary trends and prospects of economic recovery. CEMAFI International Association, Nice, pp. 645-657. ISBN 978-2-9544508-5-8

Stevanović, Slavica and Belopavlović, Grozdana (2012) Strengthening Economic Subjects' Internal Capacities : improvement of decision-making process. In: Managing structural changes : trends and requirements. Coimbra : Faculty of Economics, Coimbra, pp. 552-564. ISBN 978-972-9344-06-0

Stevanović, Slavica and Belopavlović, Grozdana (2008) The importance of required reserves for banks liquidity maintenanc. In: Challenges of economic sciences in the 21st Century. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 684-688. ISBN 978-86-80315-79-9

Stevanović, Slavica and Belopavlović, Grozdana and Lazarević-Moravčević, Marija (2013) Creative Cash Flow Reporting – the Motivation and Opportunities. Economic analysis, 46 (1-2). pp. 28-39. ISSN 1821-2573

Stevanović, Slavica and Jovičić, Elena (2016) Promene korporativnog institucionalnog okruženja u Srbiji od početka ekonomske krize. In: Pravci strukturnih promena u procesu pristupanja Evropskoj uniji. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, pp. 375-392. ISBN 978-86-89465-26-6

Stevanović, Slavica and Minović, Jelena (2018) Corporate Accountability in Selected Western Balkan Countries. In: Western Balkans Economies in EU Integration : past, present and future. CEMAFI International Association, Nica, pp. 241-254. ISBN 979-10-96557-18-9

Stevanović, Slavica and Minović, Jelena and Ljumović, Isidora (2019) Liquidity Profitability Trade-off: Evidence from Medium Enterprises. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 24 (3). pp. 71-80. ISSN 1820-0222

Stevanović, Slavica and Minović, Jelena and Marinković, Grozdana (2021) Earnings and Cash Flow Persistence - Case of Medium Agriculture Enterprises in Serbia. Economics of Agriculture, 68 (1). pp. 141-153. ISSN 0352-3462

Stevanović, Slavica and Radovanović, Bojana and Minović, Jelena (2011) Uloga menadžmenta u procesu finansijskog izveštavanja - odgovornosti i interesi. In: Majska konferencija o strategijskom menadžmentu: studentski simpozijum o strategijskom menadžmentu. Tehnički fakultet Bor, Zaječar, pp. 639-647. ISBN 978-86-80987-85-9

Stošić, Ivan (2014) Izazovi definisanja i sprovođenja programa restrukturiranja preduzeća. Ekonomske teme, 52 (2). pp. 147-161. ISSN 0353-8648

Stošić, Ivan (2014) Korporativno restrukturiranje preduzeća u svetu i Srbiji. Poslovna ekonomija: časopis za poslovnu ekonomiju, preduzetništvo i finasije, 14 (1). pp. 157-176. ISSN 1820-6859

Stošić, Ivan (2015) Restrukturiranje preduzeća kao pretpostavka ekonomskog razvoja Srbije. In: Strukturne promene u Srbiji - dosadašnji rezultati i perspektive. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, pp. 247-265. ISBN 978-86-89465-17-4

Stošić, Ivan (2014) Uloga marketinga u restrukturiranju preduzeća u uslovima krize. Marketing : časopis Jugoslavenskog udruženja za marketing JUMA, 45 (1). pp. 41-49. ISSN 0354-3471

Stošić, Ivan and Bodroža, Duško and Đukić, Mihajlo (2019) Analysis of Cooperation between Science and Business in the Function of Improving the Effectiveness of the Republic of Serbia Economic Growth. Economic Analysis, 52 (1). pp. 138-148. ISSN 1821-2573

Stošić, Ivan and Domazet, Ivana and Hanić, Hasan (2013) Effects of privatization and restructuring on manufacturing industry: the evidence from Serbia. Metalurgia internaţional, XVIII (7). pp. 77-82. ISSN 1582-2214


Tomaš, Rajko and Radović-Marković, Mirjana (2018) Development of Small Countries in the Business Environment of the European Union. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences (53). pp. 84-106. ISSN 1842-2845

Tomić, Milan and Uremović, Nina and Antonijević, Marija and Pejović, Bojan (2022) Odnos konkurentnosti i priliva SDI u Srbiji i potpisnicama CEFTA 2006 sporazuma. Ekonomski vidici: časopis Društva ekonomista Beograda, XXVII (1-2). pp. 113-128. ISSN 0354-9135


Vasiljević, Tadija and Simović, Vladimir (2017) Mogućnost primene veštačke inteligencije u poslovanju. In: XXII International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management. Ekonomski fakultet, Subotica, pp. 586-592. ISBN 978-86-7233-362-6

Veljković, Saša and Hristov Stančić, Branislava and Lazić, Milena (2024) Značaj i uloga formalnog marketinškog obrazovanja: percepcija akademske i poslovne javnosti. Marketing, 54 (3). pp. 177-188. ISSN 2334-8364

Vujičić, Slađana and Ivković, Dragan and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Nikitović, Zorana (2014) Uloga lidera u upravljanju kvalitetom znanja u organizacijama. In: XVI naučno stručni skup "Sistem kvaliteta uslov za uspešno poslovanje i konkurentnost". Asocijacija za kvalitet i standardizaciju Srbije, Kruševac, pp. 248-255. ISBN 978-86-909341-9-5

Vujičić, Slađana and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Ivković, Dragan and Nikitović, Zorana (2014) A leaders’s influence on the definition and implementation of strategy in organizations. Economic analysis, 47 (3-4). pp. 90-103. ISSN 1821-2573

Vukelić, Gordana and Belopavlović, Grozdana and Stevanović, Slavica (2014) Procena stalne imovine kao determinanta kvaliteta dobitka. Računovodstvo: časopis za računovodstvo, reviziju i poslovne finansije, 58 (7/8). pp. 27-36. ISSN 1450-6114

Vukelić, Gordana and Stevanović, Slavica and Belopavlović, Grozdana (2014) Analiza finansijske sigurnosti preduzeća u restrukturiranju – prerađivačka industrija. In: Deindustrijalizacija u Srbiji : mogućnosti revitalizacije industrijskog sektora. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beogradska bankarska akademija i Fakultet za bankarstvo, osiguranje i finansije, Beograd, pp. 673-689. ISBN 978-86-89465-12-9

Vukelić, Gordana and Stevanović, Slavica and Belopavlović, Grozdana (2011) Merenje pokazatelja finansijske sigurnosti preduzeća. Računovodstvo: časopis za računovodstvo, reviziju i poslovne finansije, 55 (7/8). pp. 67-78. ISSN 1450-6114

Vukmirović, Nikola and Vukmirović, Valentina (2016) Implementacija koncepta preduzetničkog marketinga u funkciji sticanja konkurentske prednosti novog proizvoda na tržištu. Novi ekonomist: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 10 (19). pp. 32-38. ISSN 1840-2313

Vukmirović, Valentina (2019) Entrepreneurship Education among University Students as a Predictor of Female Entrepreneurial Undertakings. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (3-4). pp. 86-102. ISSN 1821-1283

Vukmirović, Valentina (2021) Unapređenje modela marketinških komunikacija u kontekstu digitalne sofisticiranosti generacije ipsilon. Doctoral thesis, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacionih nauka.

Vukmirović, Valentina and Domazet, Ivana and Kostić-Stanković, Milica (2020) Personalized Social Media Communication based on Millennials' Attitudes. In: Conference Proceedings - International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management. Faculty of Economics, Subotica, pp. 97-103. ISBN 978-86-7233-386-2

Vukmirović, Valentina and Domazet, Ivana and Lazić, Milena (2022) Global pandemic and digital marketing: Trends and perspectives. In: Domaća konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem "Izazovi i perspektive marketinga" - SEMA. Srpsko udruženje za marketing - SEMA, Beograd, pp. 161-170. ISBN 978-86-903768-1-0

Vukmirović, Valentina and Domazet, Ivana and Pavlović, Dejana (2021) Development of 21st Century Skills as a Response to Youth Unemployment. In: International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management. Faculty of Economics, Subotica, pp. 80-87. ISBN 978-86-7233-396-1

Vukmirović, Valentina and Domazet, Ivana and Pavlović, Dejana (2021) The Use of Social Media for Education and Digital Competence Enhancement Among Youth in Serbia. In: Innovative Aspects of the Development Service and Tourism : Book of proceedings of IX International scientific-practical conference (Stavropol, 22 April 2021) : research materials and reports : Part II. Секвойя, Stavropol. ISBN 978-5-907110-75-5

Vukmirović, Valentina and Domazet, Ivana and Vukmirović, Ela (2021) Digitalne i interpersonalne veštine neophodne za zapošljavanje u uslovima globalne pandemije. In: Poslovanje u periodu pandemije: izazovi i šanse. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd, pp. 186-200. ISBN 978-86-89465-64-8

Vukmirović, Valentina and Kostić-Stanković, Milica and Domazet, Ivana (2020) Influencers as a Segment of Digital Marketing Communication – Generation Y Attitudes. Marketing: časopis Jugoslavenskog udruženja za marketing JUMA, 51 (2). pp. 98-107. ISSN 0354-3471

Vukmirović, Valentina and Kostić-Stanković, Milica and Langović-Milićević, Ana (2020) Pedagogical Application of New Media: Enhancing Higher Education Practices with ICT Advancements. In: XVII International Symposium Business and Artificial Intelligence , SYMORG Belgrade, September 7-9, 2020. Faculty of organizational sciences, Belgrade, pp. 668-674. ISBN 978-86-7680-385-9

Vukmirović, Valentina and Kostić-Stanković, Milica and Pavlović, Dejana and Ateljević, Jovo and Bjelica, Dragan and Radonić, Milenko and Sekulić, Dejan (2020) Foreign Direct Investments’ Impact on Economic Growth in Serbia. Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern Studies. ISSN 1944-8953

Vukmirović, Valentina and Lazić, Milena (2022) Do Persons with Disabilities Perceive Digital Platform Work as a Chance for Employment? In: Global Economic Trends: Challenges and Opportunities - book of abstracts. Belgrade Banking Academy, Faculty of Banking, Insurance and Finance, Belgrade, pp. 133-136. ISBN 978-86-7852-070-9

Vukmirović, Valentina and Radonić, Milenko and Milosavljević, Miloš (2022) Drivers of e-Relational Capital in the Retail Industry. In: Marketing and Smart Technologies : Proceedings of ICMarkTech 2021. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore, pp. 35-47. ISBN 978-981-16-9272-7

Vukmirović, Valentina and Vukmirović, Nikola (2016) Uloga i značaj sistema motivisanja zaposlenih u unapređenju uspešnosti poslovanja. Novi ekonomist: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 10 (20). pp. 103-113. ISSN 1840-2313

Vukmirović, Valentina and Vukmirović, Nikola (2014) Značaj dizajna i vizuelnog identiteta proizvoda za unapređenje prodaje. Poslovne studije:časopis za poslovnu teoriju i praksu, VI (11-12). pp. 419-434. ISSN 2232-8157

Vučeković, Miloš and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Marković, Dušan (2020) Koncept digitalnog preduzeća i njegove virtualizacije. In: Nacionalna naučno-stručna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Trendovi u poslovanju 2020. Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija "Prof. dr Radomir Bojković", Kruševac, pp. 187-194. ISBN 978-86-7566-053-8

Vučeković, Miloš and Radović-Marković, Mirjana and Đukanović, Borislav and Duković, Svetlana and Dragojević, Arsen (2021) Gender Aspects of Working from Home in Serbia. Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education (1-2). pp. 18-36. ISSN 1821-1283

This list was generated on Fri Feb 7 18:15:41 2025 CET.